Tag Archives: smoke

‘Hymn to the Smoke’ now available for pre-order!

For those of you who have been following my adventures since around this time last year, when I announced that my pamphlet ‘Hymn to the Smoke’ was going to be published by Indigo Dreams as a joint winner of their 2020 First Pamphlet Prize… well, we’ve now reached the stage where it all comes together!

Indigo Dreams will be publishing the pamphlet officially from the 14th of May 2021, but those looking to pre-order a copy from the publisher can now do so from their website. Pre-orders are, I can now say, a huge benefit for writers and publishers, so do please get your order in now if you want to support both me and a great indie publisher.

As for what I’ll be doing with my own physical copies once I get a hold of them, watch this space for more announcements. For now, as it’s Friday, I am pulling out a glass or five of beer, gearing up for a night of some companionable D&D, and thanking Ronnie and Dawn at Indigo Dreams, as well as my fellow #indigopoets and everyone else in the community, for helping to build such a thriving community.

They say poetry is having a moment right now. I’m going to enjoy my part in it…